We seek to be a safe space for dialogue, cooperation, and equipping in matters of soteriology for all Non-Calvinist Evangelical Christians from all theological stripes including Provisionists, Molinists, Free Grace, Arminians, Freewill Baptists, General Baptists, Wesleyans, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Methodists, Mennonite, Brethren, Nazarene, Evangelical Free, and all believers who embrace “Whosoever Will” theologies. [Note: Calvinist Evangelical Christians are welcome to participate and engage in theological discussions as long as they respect the rules of the group].
We desire to be a theological voice against teachings that limit the saving grace of God only to a chosen few, against theologies that teach that Christ did not die for all of humanity, and against doctrines that say that the Gospel is actually good news only to preselected individuals, not for every person.
We take our stand on God’s Word and challenge believers to search the Scriptures to discover what the Bible says about key issues on God’s sovereignty, human responsibility, depravity, election, atonement, salvation, eternal security, among others.
We seek to be a humble but rational voice against the demagoguery and theological bullying by some people in the Reformed-Calvinist circles who bash, condemn, demonize, and accuse other Protestant Evangelicals as “Semi-Pelagians” simply because we object to their theology of meticulous determinism, their version of a God who have no desire to love and save all of humanity, and their horrible belief that God has selected some to save and others to damn before and apart from any free decisions or actions humans make.
We strive to reach out in love, grace, and kindness to Reformed and Calvinist believers especially those who are willing to engage in friendly dialogue and meaningful debates on matters of theology. Thus, we will avoid hurtful speech, ad hominem language, and hateful attitudes that tend to divide the body of Christ.