
In recent years, we saw the resurgence of a theology embraced by some of our fellow believers who espouse what they call “Doctrines of Grace” (TULIP). Many in these groups tagged as Neo-Reformed or New Calvinists go from one church to another promoting an exclusively deterministic soteriology and monergistic understanding of salvation. They stir debates by finding issues in theology that are controversial and secondary and then proclaim that their theological system is the only correct answer and all other views are "heretical". They write blog posts, publish books, and hold conferences to convince their recruited followers that they are the sole guardians of true orthodoxy. Any Christian who disagrees with their five-point-perspective they now angrily accuse as unbiblical, unorthodox, and unchristian.

Today, many Evangelical believers are resisting this type of arrogant, divisive, destructive, hurtful, hateful, “Cage Stage” behavior among many Calvinists. Instead of honoring the rich theological range of views within historic Christianity, and appreciating the beauty of a united-yet-diverse body of Christ, these Neo-Reformed or New Calvinists think and insist that they have the monopoly of Christian orthodoxy.

Moreover, these groups claim that God does not really love every person in the world and does not want to save every person in the world. For them, God loves and desires to save only a chosen few, and that Christ did not die for the world but only provided salvation for some preselected individuals before the world began. They teach that these special chosen ones will be compelled to believe because humans do not have the free will to choose at all. They say that the saving grace of God is not for everyone but only for the chosen few; and that God's loving invitation to come to Him is actually not true for all people because only those who are chosen will be granted the ability to actually come. Some of them even argue that their version of divine sovereignty requires that God has tight meticulous control over every event in the world so that God Himself is the One who ultimately authored, decreed, orchestrated, and planned all things including human sin, horrible evil, heinous crimes, and demonic activities in the world.

Most believers honestly disagree with this kind of theology. While all Evangelical Christians embrace the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation ― Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scriptures Alone, Christ Alone, God's Glory Alone ― however, not all Evangelical Christians are Calvinistic in their soteriology.

Because of this, we have formed the Grace for All Coalition in order to gather all Non-Calvinist Evangelical Christians who mutually agree that “the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all people” (Titus 2:11). We rally all Christians who are convinced that God is “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), that the Gospel is to be proclaimed as good news to all people in the world (Matthew 24:14; 28:19; Acts 1:8), and that God “commands all people everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30) implying that the invitation to receive the gift of salvation is issued to all people and not only to a selected few (Matthew 11:28 and Revelation 22:17).

While we disagree with many of the finer points of their theology, we still consider many Reformed-Calvinists as brothers and sisters in Christ. Hence, we seek to become bearers of grace towards fellow believers who differ from our theological persuasions.

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We also celebrate that some “Moderate Calvinists” such as Norman Geisler, Millard Erickson, James Quiggle, John Murray, Ned Stonehouse, John Howe, Henry Venn, Edmund Calamy, Daniel Williams, Joseph Alleine, John Janeway, David Bogue, Jeffrey Johnson, William Laud,  Matthew Henry, and many Amyraldians seem to resonate with our theological affirmations regarding God’s sincere love for all people, His genuine offer of salvation for everyone, and Christ’s sacrificial death for all humanity.

We endorse the writings, views, and thoughts of many contemporary Christian theologians, pastors, writers, apologists, philosophers, and church leaders who affirm that God’s saving grace if offered to all sinners, not only to a preselected few. They include:

  • A.W. Tozer

  • C.S. Lewis

  • N.T. Wright

  • Howard Marshall

  • Ben Witherington III

  • Doug Stuart

  • Gordon Fee

  • Scott McKnight

  • David Baker

  • William W. Klein

  • Grant Osborne

  • Roger Olson

  • William Lane Craig

  • Billy Graham

  • Adrian Rogers

  • Adam Clarke

  • John Lennox

  • Michael Brown

  • Leonard Ravenhill

  • Norm Geisler

  • Alister McGrath

  • Henry Orton Wiley

  • Carl O. Bangs

  • J. Kenneth Grider

  • B. J. Oropeza

  • Keith D. Stanglin

  • Craig S. Keener

  • Thomas H. McCall

  • Robert Shank

  • Craig Blomberg

  • David Bentley Hart

  • Mike Licona

  • Lewis Sperry Chafer

  • C. I. Scofield

  • J. Vernon McGee

  • Charles Ryrie

  • Robert Lightner

  • David Wilkerson

  • Bruce Reichenbach

  • David J. A. Clines

  • William G. MacDonald

  • James D. Strauss

  • C. Stephen Evans

  • Gary Habermas

  • Bruce Wilkinson

  • Earl Radmacher

  • David A. DeSilva

  • Bill T. Arnold

  • John Oswalt

  • Brian Abasciano

  • Thomas Oden

  • Craig Keener

  • Jack Cottrell

  • Gerald O. McCulloh

  • James Luther Adams

  • Russell Henry Stafford

  • Geoffrey F. Nuttall

  • Dale Moody

  • Paul Copan

  • James D. G. Dunn

  • Jerry Walls

  • Joseph Dongell

  • Donald M. Lake

  • William G. Witt

  • A. Skevington Wood

  • Vernon C. Grounds

  • Terry L. Miethe

  • Fritz Guy

  • Klyne Snodgrass

  • Robert Picirilli

  • F. Leroy Forlines

  • Matthew Pinson

  • Stephen Ashby

  • Chuck Smith

  • George Bryson

  • Greg Laurie

  • Paul R. Eddy

  • William J. Abraham

  • A. Philip Brown II

  • Derek Prince

  • Jack Hayford

  • Gene L. Green

  • Gareth Lee Cockerill

  • James Leonard

  • Charles Edward White

  • Anthony Chadwick Thornhill

  • Aaron Sherwood

  • Leighton Flowers

  • David Lewis Allen

  • Steve Lemke

  • Adam Harwood

  • Jerry Vines

  • Paige Patterson

  • Richard Land

  • Malcolm Yarnell

  • Bruce A. Little

  • Robert W. Wall

  • G. Walter Hansen

  • Philip H. Towner

  • Paul Ellingworth

  • William MacDonald

  • James Strauss

  • Philip Towner

  • John Wenham

  • Nigel Turner

  • Max Turner

  • Peter Cotterell

  • Michael Brown

  • David Jeremiah

  • Dave Hunt

  • J. W. MacGorman

  • E. Y. Mullins

  • Herschel Hobbs

  • W. T. Conner

  • Frank Stagg

  • Fisher Humphreys

  • Bert Dominy

  • Ken Keathley

  • Merrill Unger

  • Miles J. Stanford

  • Zane C. Hodges

  • Robert Wilkin

  • Charles Stanley

  • Jerry Vernon Lloyd

  • Tony Evans

  • Chuck Swindoll

  • Ernest Pickering

  • Robert Thieme

  • William Newell

  • Lance Latham

  • David Anderson

  • Joe Wall

  • Larry Moyer

  • Charles Bing

  • Joseph Dillow

  • Fred Chay

  • J. Paul Tanner

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