These are some of the Christian theologians, pastors, biblical scholars, and church leaders whose perspectives and insights fully or moderately resonate with the belief (within the spectrum of orthodox Christian soteriology) that a person's eternal destiny is a result of both God's initiative of grace and human response of faith. They agree that, while God offers the free gift of salvation to every person, only those who receive Christ will have eternal life. They affirm both the sovereignty and foreknowledge of God, and the human responsibility to either receive or reject God.


  • Clement of Rome (AD30-100)

  • Ignatius (AD30-107)

  • Barnabas (AD100)

  • Justin Martyr (AD 110-165)

  • Irenaeus (AD120-202)

  • Tatian (AD110-172)

  • Tertullian (AD145-220)

  • Clement of Alexandria (AD153-217)

  • Origen (AD185-254)

  • Hippolytus (AD170-236)

  • Novatian (AD210-280)

  • Archelaus (AD277)

  • Alexander of Alexandria (AD273-326)

  • Lactantius (AD260-330)


  • Thomas Helwys

  • John Smyth

  • Thomas Grantham

  • Paul Palmer

  • Benjamin Randall

  • Balthasar Hubmaier

  • Menno Simons

  • Philipp Melanchthon

  • Simon Episcopius

  • Hugo Grotius

  • James Arminius

  • John Wesley

  • John Fletcher

  • Charles Parham

  • William J. Seymour

  • Niels Hemmingsen

  • John Goodwin

  • Jeremy Taylor

  • Henry Hammond

  • Conrad Grebel

  • Thomas Müntzer

  • Felix Manz

  • George Blaurock

  • John Denck


  • A.W. Tozer

  • C.S. Lewis

  • N.T. Wright

  • Howard Marshall

  • Ben Witherington III

  • Doug Stuart

  • Gordon Fee

  • Scott McKnight

  • David Baker

  • William W. Klein

  • Grant Osborne

  • Roger Olson

  • William Lane Craig

  • Billy Graham

  • Adrian Rogers

  • Adam Clarke

  • John Lennox

  • Michael Brown

  • Leonard Ravenhill

  • Norm Geisler

  • Alister McGrath

  • Henry Orton Wiley

  • Carl O. Bangs

  • J. Kenneth Grider

  • B. J. Oropeza

  • Keith D. Stanglin

  • Craig S. Keener

  • Thomas H. McCall

  • Robert Shank

  • Craig Blomberg

  • David Bentley Hart

  • Mike Licona

  • Lewis Sperry Chafer

  • C. I. Scofield

  • J. Vernon McGee

  • Charles Ryrie

  • Robert Lightner

  • David Wilkerson

  • Bruce Reichenbach

  • David J. A. Clines

  • William G. MacDonald

  • James D. Strauss

  • C. Stephen Evans

  • Gary Habermas

  • Bruce Wilkinson

  • Earl Radmacher

  • David A. DeSilva

  • Bill T. Arnold

  • John Oswalt

  • Brian Abasciano

  • Thomas Oden

  • Craig Keener

  • Jack Cottrell

  • Gerald O. McCulloh

  • James Luther Adams

  • Russell Henry Stafford

  • Geoffrey F. Nuttall

  • Dale Moody

  • Paul Copan

  • James D. G. Dunn

  • Jerry Walls

  • Joseph Dongell

  • Donald M. Lake

  • William G. Witt

  • A. Skevington Wood

  • Vernon C. Grounds

  • Terry L. Miethe

  • Fritz Guy

  • Klyne Snodgrass

  • Robert Picirilli

  • F. Leroy Forlines

  • Matthew Pinson

  • Stephen Ashby

  • Chuck Smith

  • George Bryson

  • Greg Laurie

  • Paul R. Eddy

  • William J. Abraham

  • A. Philip Brown II

  • Derek Prince

  • Jack Hayford

  • Gene L. Green

  • Gareth Lee Cockerill

  • James Leonard

  • Charles Edward White

  • Anthony Chadwick Thornhill

  • Aaron Sherwood

  • Leighton Flowers

  • David Lewis Allen

  • Steve Lemke

  • Adam Harwood

  • Jerry Vines

  • Paige Patterson

  • Richard Land

  • Malcolm Yarnell

  • Bruce A. Little

  • Robert W. Wall

  • G. Walter Hansen

  • Philip H. Towner

  • Paul Ellingworth

  • William MacDonald

  • James Strauss

  • Philip Towner

  • John Wenham

  • Nigel Turner

  • Max Turner

  • Peter Cotterell

  • Michael Brown

  • David Jeremiah

  • Dave Hunt

  • J. W. MacGorman

  • E. Y. Mullins

  • Herschel Hobbs

  • W. T. Conner

  • Frank Stagg

  • Fisher Humphreys

  • Bert Dominy

  • Ken Keathley

  • Merrill Unger

  • Miles J. Stanford

  • Zane C. Hodges

  • Robert Wilkin

  • Charles Stanley

  • Jerry Vernon Lloyd

  • Tony Evans

  • Chuck Swindoll

  • Ernest Pickering

  • Robert Thieme

  • William Newell

  • Lance Latham

  • David Anderson

  • Joe Wall

  • Larry Moyer

  • Charles Bing

  • Joseph Dillow

  • Fred Chay

  • J. Paul Tanner

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